Gilda's Gang OROCs!
by ShamrockGirl
Saturday was the OutRun Ovarian Cancer 5K/1mile. The rain held out and we had beautiful weather while running/jogging/walking through downtown Cleveland. The 5k course started at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and worked its way through downtown and back to the Rock Hall. There were musicians along the course to keep the energy high. John Adams was even on a corner pounding his drum. The 1 mile course started at the Rock Hall and looped around Cleveland Browns Stadium. The 1 mile crew had a sighting of mom/Kathy's oncologist, Dr. Rose, cruising through the 5k course! Thank you to everyone that participated, either in Cleveland or virtually.
5k participants (either in Cleveland or elsewhere):
Karla Reese
Angela Reese
Dave Myers (Who RAN 5k, then showered and changed and walked ANOTHER 5k with Angela. Not that she's bragging...)
Greg Reese
Sara Williams
Justin Williams
Ziggy Williams
Chris Wuitowicz
April Holland
Amelia Holland
Ross Pollock
Melissa Zreny
Bridgette Braig
1 Milers:
Kathy Reese
Jack Reese
Mark Liderbach
Cora Liderbach
Matt Liderbach
Mike Liderbach
Betsy Liderbach
Katie Liderbach
Nick Liderbach
Steve Liderbach
Paula Liderbach
Grace Liderbach
Quinn Liderbach
Gilda's Gang was the 3rd (out of 72) highest fundraising team with $1590 in donations!!!! Thanks to everyone that donated!
Jack Reese
Kathy Reese
The Travossos Family
Richard Dillon
Susan and Nicolas Leon
Mark Liderbach
Jay Demagall
Johnny Liderbach-Vega
Julie Richardson
Diane Sofer
Karla Reese
Michael Vavaro
Cory Griffin
Mary Liderbach
Jessica Liderbach-Vega
Kevin Peterman
David Reese
Andrea Reese
Brian Liderbach
Janice Hsu
Kristen Brown
Chris Wuitowicz
Melissa Zreny
Susan Mejia
Gucci - The Gooch - Mejia
Anne Teddlie
Bridgette Braig
Cleveland 1 mile & 5k photos:
Mom/Kathy at the finish line
Dad/Jack, Mom/Kathy & Karla
And still more Liderbachs & Reeses!
Virtual 5k photos:
Sara & Justin & Ziggy in Delaware
Greg (being stealthy in low light) in New Zealand
Angela & Dave at Pennsic
Bridgette in Colorado
Thanks again to everyone! And if you've forgotten to send a photo of your virtual 5k, email it and I'll add it in! :)
1 comment

Congratulations to one and all on a successful event!!! Love seeing all the photos and your smiling face:-)
Connor is coming to town this weekend for a visit but when he leaves I'll give you a call to see if we can get together. Would love to share lunch again!