by ShamrockGirl
Top Ten Awesome Things About The Last Few Weeks
10. Cleveland will make major bucks in 2016 off the Republican party.
9. Mom/Kathy's surgical incision is healing nicely.
8. Cleveland weather has been lovely.
7. Mom/Kathy has been walking daily to prepare for the Outrun Ovarian Cancer 1 mile.
6. Dad/Jack and Karla are getting ready to help out and particiapte in the Gay Games (a major international event coming to Cleveland)- as their motto goes "You don't have to be gay to play!"
5. Mom/Kathy has finished her first of four post-surgery chemo cycles!
4. Mom/Kathy's CA125 (the tumor marker) is down to 65 (the high was 1493; normal range is <35)
3. Lebron is coming HOME!
2. Mom/Kathy may be the only Clevelander that didn't burn her Lebron James jersey 4 years ago!
AND the number ONE awesome thing about the last few weeks....
1. We have raised $670 for our Outrun Ovarian Cancer team. Our goal is $1000, so please consider donating if you haven't already.
On a side note, chemo is on hold due to low platelets. Hopefully it will resume next week.