Wake Up, C'mon Vila

(tune: "Wake Up, Little Susie")

Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
I'll bet you're sound asleep
When I get you, you'll weep
Blake's plan has failed, the rebels lost
Now we're in trouble deep

Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Well... Why did we leave you all alone
Why couldn't I stay as well
Why didn't I hide the soma so we'd have some help

Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Well... The rebels were sure no one could find their base
Till Servalan showed us that was not the case

Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
We wanna come home

Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
Wake up, c'mon Vila, wake up
The raid it wasn't so hot
The Feds caught wind of the plot
It was a trap, the base is gone
We're all about to be shot

Wake up, c'mon Vila
Wake up, c'mon Vila
Wake up, c'mon Vila